Happy Christmas to all my furry friends and followers! I hope you all have been enjoying your howlidays as much as me!
I have been hanging out with my best furpal Ella! Here she is in front of her Christmas tree. Isn't she pretty?
Santa Paws brought me some great gifts! I got an owl stuffie for Christmas, and a toy with 12 SQUEAKERS!! 12!
We had a wonderful Christmas dinner. I ate jalapeno cheese, ham, and snitched cookies from anyone who would share with me. The best part was when Grandpa dropped a huge piece of prime rib! I helped him clean that right up!
Mom tried to get me to pose in front of the Christmas tree, but I just wasn't feeling it.
Here are some outtakes.
Ok Mom. Can we hurry this up please. I have places to go and food to snitch.
Oh me. It sucks to be cute sometimes.
I'm not looking, Mom.
I am getting REALLY peeved.
A cookie you say? I get a cookie if I'm good?
How's this? Is this better? No?
Cuz I can always do this again.
There it is! There's the money shot!
Merry Christmas everybody!